The history of Potato Research Institute stretches back to the first half of the twentieth century. In 1920, shortly after World War I and establishment of Czechoslovakian Republic, private Potato Research Institute was founded and supported by Central Association of Potato Growers.
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Providing of consulting services has a rich tradition in Potato Research Institute Havlíčkův Brod. From its beginning it has been connected with the transfer of most recent R&D findings into agricultural practice.
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Verification of plant protection product features (demo, GEP). Performance of special activities within the meaning of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll. as amended by the Act No. 131/2006 Coll. and Act No. 249/2008 Coll. We hold a certificate for trial performance within GEP (Good Experimental Practice)
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PRI is a partner of the project SLARA (Specialised Library of Applied Research in Agriculture),
which is funded by OP Research and Development for Innovation.
Project Title: Specialised Library of Applied Research in Agriculture (SLARA)
Project registration number: CZ.1.05/3.2.00/12.0236