Dobrovského 2366, CZ-580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
phone: +420 569 466 219, e-mail:
The library is registered by the Ministry of Culture as a specialized library. Within the PRI the library is involved in Administration and Personnel Services.
The book collection consists of special monographs, periodicals, methodologies, research reports and reports from working journeys. The electronic catalogue is running under KP-win system.
Main activities
The main activity of the library is acquisition and bibliographic processing of specialized information sources from the field of potato growing, breeding, nutrition, protection and use and also from related branches and general agriculture and making these sources accessible to users.
Services offered
lending services
search services
translation services (English, German)
OP Research and Development for Innovation
Info leaflet here
PRI is a partner of the project SLARA (Specialised Library of Applied Research in Agriculture), which is funded by OP Research and Development for Innovation.

Project Title: Specialised Library of Applied Research in Agriculture (SLARA)
Project registration number: CZ.1.05/3.2.00/12.0236
Timeframe: 1st March 2014 – 30th April 2015
Grant provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Recipient: Agrovýzkum Rapotín, s.r.o.
Project Partners:
Research Institute of Forestry and Wildlife, vvi
Agricultural Research, spol. s r.o.
Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy s.r.o.
Agritec Plant Research Ltd.
Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, a.s.
Project Description:
The main objectives of the project „Specialised Library of Agricultural Applied Research“ (SLARA) include:
create a modern, functional and fully equipped library and information centre that will provide researchers and professional public an approach to the most advanced knowledge in the field of agriculture, food, forestry and related industries;
equip the library with most renowned databases of electronic information sources and selected thematic areas contiguous journals and monographic series, covering basic needs of its structure research in agricultural fields;
reconstruction and modernization of the equipment in libraries of individual members of the consortium
Specific objective: unification of classical and new information services and independent information resources in a coherent and user-friendly unit